Sunday, July 5, 2009

Well we did it!!

Over 60 members of the Potter family gathered at Broken Acres over the weekend and feedback is that - in spite of the rain - everyone had a GREAT time! We decided that we want to hold another reunion at Broken Acres in July 2010! Dale spoke to the owners at Broken Acres at the end of the weekend and found out that, at this point, there are weekends available in July 2010. So, please cast your vote on the poll at the left of this screen and give us your first and second choices (you can vote more than once). Thanks to all for your help, support and most of all for coming to help make a GREAT Potter Family Reunion 2009!!
BE SURE TO SEE THE SLIDE SHOW BELOW LEFT!! Send jpegs to Dale at and she will upload them to this BLOG for all to enjoy. Thanks!