Monday, June 8, 2015


WHEN: Saturday, July 18, 2015

LOCATION: Uncle Buster & Aunt Midge’s house


10:00am – Doors open – coffee pot will be on.
12:30pm Lunch – Pot luck and BBQ Chicken
Please provide a favorite family dish (main dish, salad or desert) and also bring the recipe(s). If we get enough written recipes we hope to make a Potter Recipe Book for future generations to treasure.  Chicken and drinks will be provided!!
3:00pm – Live auction
Remember to bring your auction item(s)!!
6:00pm – Campfire and Weenie Roast and s’mores (food will be provided). Leftovers from lunch will be available as well.


POOL: Will be open at Sharon & Larry’s – Bring your own towels. PARENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPERVISING THEIR OWN CHILDREN!!

KIDS CRAFTS: Will be set up – Maggie is arranging this activity. Anyone who wishes to help her please get in touch to let her know!!

family picture boards / posters: REMEMBER to bring them to display.

GAMES:  Horseshoes; pick-up ball games; ring toss or bring a game you would like to share / play with others.

WHAT ELSE TO BRING:   Lawn chairs – there will be tables and about 50 folding chairs
Also, there will be ice and receptacles to keep food chilled.  

Extra parking: at Aunt Evelyn’s, Mike & Belinda’s or at Derik’s house.

QUESTIONS: Contact Belinda or Aunt Midge & Uncle Buster

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