Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Potter Family Reunion is a little more than a month away so it is time to catch you up on plans we have made thus far. First of all, we will be holding reunion rain or shine, and hope you are all able to make it.


Readfield Town Beach, Lake Maranacook on Main Street (route 17) behind the Weathervane Restaurant.


Saturday, July 15th Come any time after 9:00 a.m. The beach closes at dusk


  1. Your Own Picnic for Noon:  This in honor of my Dad who loved to take us for Sunday rides in the summer. My Mom packed “Prampy picnics” for us to enjoy along the way. So, no cooking this year – just visit, play and enjoy each other!
  2. Chairs: There are picnic tables there but if you have a favorite, comfortable lawn chair(s) we suggest you bring them.
  3. Bathing suits and towels: The beach is open for swimmers throughout the day. NOTE, there are no life guards.
  4. Uncle Buster turns 90 that week. Please bring him a card and include a note to tell him what he means to you and / or share a special memory!
  5. Bring lawn games if you have some you would like to share / play. There is plenty of lawn space to do so.
  6. Boats, if you wish – canoes, kayaks and motor boats. You will have to launch motor boats at Dead Stream boat landing on Winthrop Road. There is a place to moor them, to the west side of the beach, although take care as that area of the shore is somewhat rocky. Will have to carry canoes and kayaks from the parking lot to the lake.
  7. Fishing is ok as long as not done near the swimming area.

Amenities and Activities:

  1. We will not need to rent porta-potties this year because Readfield Rec has some there throughout the summer.
  2. We plan to put up the big family reunion tent and there are several picnic table shelters already there.
  3. There are volley ball and horse shoe courts on the grounds we can use. Readfield Rec has some horseshoes but suggest you bring your own volleyball if wish to play.
  4. We are working on planning kids’ activities. For one, we plan to do tie die T shirts. Materials and shirts will be there.
  5. From 2-2:30ish we will be doing family pictures. Harv has agreed to do this for us. Hopefully everyone will be around at that time. If not, look up Harv while you are there so he can be sure to take your pictures.
  6. PLEASE NOTE: No glass or alcohol is allowed in the area. Alcoholic beverages can be purchased and consumed at the Weathervane if desired.

IMPORTANT!!! The Auction is Changing:

Instead of our traditional live auction, we will be doing a raffle. SO, each branch of the family please bring a “theme basket” or a large item your branch of the family chips in on, makes or donates. We will have a roll of tickets to sell, 15 for $10 or $1 each, then you get to place your ticket(s) on the item(s)  you wish to take chances on. The drawings will take place at the end of the day and you need not be present to win. Monies from this will go into our family reunion credit union account.

50/50 Raffle:

We will also have a 50/50 raffle and ½ of the winnings will go to a non-profit or town association. We will have “ballots” that lists several local charities / non-profits so each family member, regardless of age, can vote on which one(s) they would like to see the money go to. Voting for more than one is OK. So you can think about it ahead of time, the list will include:

  1. Readfield Recreation Association (RRA)
  2. Readfield Historical Society
  3. Readfield Union Meeting House
  4. Other / write in ____________________
PLEASE do pass this info on to anyone in your immediate family who is not online or has email. We will NOT be mailing reminders via snail mail. This info has also been posted on our reunion Facebook page. Any questions? Fire away to Dale at

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